Practice Safe Suning
militaryYou need Big Head Caps® to provide the big size hat!  You need someone willing to guard the sunny wall.  Big Head Caps® is your soldier.

For scientific proof  the American Academy of Dermatology posted this: One of the best ways to prevent skin cancer is to go outside only at night or wear protective clothing such as big hats & big caps.  The peril of going outside only at night is your chance meeting with vampires.  

Smiling BHC Boss in Bucket HatWe recommend our bucket hats.Bucket hats
Sized for comfort, the big size bucket hat keeps harmful rays off the neck & face also. (Brad Pitt's twin brother in pic.) 

kangarooIn Australia; they take the sun & it's glorius rays seriously.  The government requires school children to wear hats & caps outdoors! 

The link below justifies the thought.