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OSHA STANDARDS: Require employers to perform a hazard analysis to decide which ANSI/ISEA 107-2010 performance class of high visibility garments is needed based on the work conditions anticipated. Workers on all roads or highways exposed to the potential danger of being struck by vehicles must wear appropriate high visibility apparel. This expands upon the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which imposes the requirement on Federal-aid highways. FEDERAL WORKER VISIBILITY ACT: States, “All workers within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway who are exposed either to traffic or to construction equipment within the work area shall wear ANSI/ISEA Class 2 or Class 3 high visibility safety apparel.” —23 CFR PART 634 GARMENT PERSONALIZATION: To comply with safety guidelines, UniFirst recommends only standard size company and wearer name emblems on chest for ANSI-rated high visibility garment personalization. Any other personalization options are at the discretion and the responsibility of the employer and/or end user.
Visibility garment selection should be based on the color and complexity of the work environment, the work task being done, and the separation of the worker from moving equipment and vehicles.